The Alpine Walking Track

K Baines B Doolan, M Leonard


This article was compiled in April 2021, based on personal experience (Kester Baines) and the original Alpine Walking Track leaflet, published by the FCV in 1974 with assistance from the Ministry of Tourism, and the Federation of Victorian Walking Clubs. A copy of a related article by Dennis Williamson in the FCV’s Inner Bark magazine was provided by Richard Hammond. Background information from The Scroggin Eaters: A History of Bushwalking in Victoria, to 1989, by Graeme Wheeler (1991) - excerpts supplied by Mike Leonard, and From Snow to Ash, by Anthony Sharwood (2020).

In 1968 the Tourist Development Authority (later the Ministry of Tourism) sought the advice of the Federation of Victorian Walking Clubs about the provision of walking tracks in the alpine region of Victoria. The concept developed for an Alpine Walking Track as a through route with entry points and access tracks at suitable intervals. Influencing this decision was the concept of a ‘tri-state trail’ traversing the high country of Victoria, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. The route recommended was thought suitable for the Victorian section of the trail. The plan was accepted by the Ministry of Tourism, which in early 1970 provided the first financial grant towards the project. The Forests Commission was involved in the planning and negotiations mainly through its then Forest Recreation Officer Stuart Calder. The FCV agreed to act as the construction authority, and during the following summers track marking and construction work went ahead in accordance with the recommendations of a sub-committee comprising representatives of the three organisations.

The first work in 1970-71 was on an access track from Howqua along the Howqua River to Mount Howitt, a distance of 45 km, which involved re-opening sections of the old Howqua mining track. This track was marked with reflective yellow triangular markers, as distinct from the diamond-shaped markers of the Alpine Walking Track. The AWT markers featured a ‘walking legs’ motif and the words ALPINE TRACK, with production and distribution co-ordinated by PTC (Tom) Morrison, of the Forest Environment and Recreation Branch, FCV.

The Ministry of Tourism continued to provide funds, and members of clubs affiliated with the FVWC volunteered their time and energy to assist the Forests Commission staff. By the end of winter 1974 the AWT had been substantially completed, except for a couple of short sections where the route was still to be confirmed.

The track began at Mt Erica car park (later the track was extended to begin in the Walhalla township) and ended at Tom Groggin on the NSW border (changes were later made in this terminal section to facilitate connection as the track was continued into the Snowy Mountains of NSW and ACT).

Total length of the AWT in Victoria is about 400 km, with some 160 km of track being constructed to link the sections which are on fire access tracks and other minor roads. The track traverses some of the most remote and rugged country in Victoria and can be subject to extreme weather at any time of year. Water is scarce in some sections. Huts are not provided and hikers must be well-prepared to camp in the bush, although there are a few campsites with basic facilities provided, such as pit toilets. Because of the difficulty of the terrain and remoteness from any sizeable towns, the AWT has special appeal for experienced and committed walkers, although of course there are sections suitable for those seeking shorter and less demanding hiking.


See also:

Over the Alps - November 1975
The AWT - Inner Bark. ca. 1978



Stuart Calder
Probably early 1970s
Source: Calder Family

In the latter half of the 1970s, several multi-day hikes were done by FEAR (Forest Environment and Recreation) Branch members and others as follows, to assess track condition, marking and other management issues:

  • Hotham Heights – Bogong High Plains – Mt Bogong - Mt Wills: Stuart Calder (2IC, FEAR Branch), Prof George Seddon (Melbourne University), Tim Colbatch (journalist, The Age) and Kester Baines (admin officer, FEAR Branch). This walk was the subject of a full-page article by Tim Colebatch, published in The Age of 15 Nov 1975. An abridged version of the article, without the pictures, was published in the commemorative volume 125 Years of Age, in 1979.
  • Razor-Viking wilderness – Mt Speculation – Crosscut Saw – Mt Howitt – Macalister Springs: Stuart Calder, Peter Greig, Kester Baines (all FEAR Branch), and Ian McLachlan (Asst Divisional Forester, Traralgon). Ian took movie film of this hike.
  • Mt Gibbo – Mt Pinnabar – Hermit Mountain – Murray headwaters (Little Bunroy Ck): Stuart Calder, Richard Hammond, Ken Keefe, Dennis Williamson, Kester Baines (all FEAR Branch). Richard, Ken and Dennis were the newly recruited American landscape architects. A detailed report of the trip, written by Dennis, was published as ‘Facing the Good, Bad and the Ugly on the Alpine Walking Track’ in Inner Bark, journal of the Forests Commission Social Club, n.d., probably 1978.


Kester Baines

Kester began work for the FCV as a member of the Connors Plain MSC in Dec 1968. He worked with that crew for four summers, finishing as senior leading hand in 1972.

Later that year, he began full-time work as an administrative officer, and unofficial technical assistant, in the Forest Environment and Recreation Branch. His last four years were as secretary of the Baw Baw Alpine Reserve Committee of Management, together with responsibilities for other FCV parks and reserves. During this time, he studied natural therapies, graduating in 1979, and on leaving the FCV in 1980 began practice as a naturopath. In 1989 he purchased a property at Bambra where he dabbles in agroforestry. Among other interests, he has been a member of the Otway Agroforestry Network, Geelong Field Naturalists and Angair for many years.

Kester Baines

Kester began work for the FCV as a member of the Connors Plain MSC in Dec 1968. He worked with that crew for four summers, finishing as senior leading hand in 1972.

Later that year, he began full-time work as an administrative officer, and unofficial technical assistant, in the Forest Environment and Recreation Branch. His last four years were as secretary of the Baw Baw Alpine Reserve Committee of Management, together with responsibilities for other FCV parks and reserves. During this time, he studied natural therapies, graduating in 1979, and on leaving the FCV in 1980 began practice as a naturopath. In 1989 he purchased a property at Bambra where he dabbles in agroforestry. Among other interests, he has been a member of the Otway Agroforestry Network, Geelong Field Naturalists and Angair for many years.

Brian Doolan

Brian started with the FCV in 1977 as an administrative officer located in Melbourne. He worked in the Forest Environment and Recreation Branch from 1978 to 1984 in general administration and then as Secretary of the Baw Baw Alpine Reserve Committee of Management. He resigned from the FCV and worked overseas for several years.

On return to Australia in 1986 he was employed as a planning officer by the Alpine Resorts Commission, which had assumed responsibility for the FCV-managed alpine reserves and other Victorian alpine resorts. In 1989 he moved to the Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands and worked for the department and its successors in recreation planning roles across public land and forests. He then moved to Parks Victoria in 2002, based initially in East Region (Gippsland and the Northeast) and then in Melbourne. He was heavily involved in fire management and fire recovery in the major Victorian fires from 2003 onwards.

Brian retired from Parks Victoria in 2016 and took up work as a planning consultant. He continues to enjoy getting out into forests in Victoria and elsewhere, as an avid but ageing walker and crosscountry skier.


Brian Doolan

Brian started with the FCV in 1977 as an administrative officer located in Melbourne. He worked in the Forest Environment and Recreation Branch from 1978 to 1984 in general administration and then as Secretary of the Baw Baw Alpine Reserve Committee of Management. He resigned from the FCV and worked overseas for several years.

On return to Australia in 1986 he was employed as a planning officer by the Alpine Resorts Commission, which had assumed responsibility for the FCV-managed alpine reserves and other Victorian alpine resorts. In 1989 he moved to the Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands and worked for the department and its successors in recreation planning roles across public land and forests. He then moved to Parks Victoria in 2002, based initially in East Region (Gippsland and the Northeast) and then in Melbourne. He was heavily involved in fire management and fire recovery in the major Victorian fires from 2003 onwards.

Brian retired from Parks Victoria in 2016 and took up work as a planning consultant. He continues to enjoy getting out into forests in Victoria and elsewhere, as an avid but ageing walker and crosscountry skier.


Mike Leonard

Mike commenced studies at the VSF in February, 1970. He retired from the then DSE in 2006.

‘Involvements’ during his career included:

Regionally based – forest assessment and mapping; District-based duties; recreational planning; fire-related roles.

Melbourne based – landscape management; recreation and tourism policy and planning; coastal policy and planning; environmental aspects of fire and forest management; timber industry training programs; forest and fire-related education programs; strategic and statutory planning; research program coordination; non-operational fire roles.

Other matters - participation in reviews associated with the FCV/CFL transition; plant nursery (Vicflora) review; an association with the planning for, and the early years of operation of the Dharnya Centre – Barmah Forest; participation in third-party reviews; Staff Association roles.

Between 2005 and 2014 Mike filled a part-time role at the Bushfire CRC.

Mike Leonard

Mike commenced studies at the VSF in February, 1970. He retired from the then DSE in 2006.

‘Involvements’ during his career included:

Regionally based – forest assessment and mapping; District-based duties; recreational planning; fire-related roles.

Melbourne based – landscape management; recreation and tourism policy and planning; coastal policy and planning; environmental aspects of fire and forest management; timber industry training programs; forest and fire-related education programs; strategic and statutory planning; research program coordination; non-operational fire roles.

Other matters - participation in reviews associated with the FCV/CFL transition; plant nursery (Vicflora) review; an association with the planning for, and the early years of operation of the Dharnya Centre – Barmah Forest; participation in third-party reviews; Staff Association roles.

Between 2005 and 2014 Mike filled a part-time role at the Bushfire CRC.