That in Australia aerial seeding to regenerate native forests after harvesting was first carried out in Victoria in 1964?

That in Australia aerial seeding to regenerate native forests after harvesting was first carried out in Victoria in 1964?

An area of Black box forest where old trees had been rung by Commission labour 8-10 years before. Each tree is surrounded by a number of coppice shoots 5 feet or so high. Two men with a swing saw, a truck and sundry crow bars, axes etc. (Dont forget the dogs, they might catch a rabbit. Make sure the water bag is full and dont forget the billy. Better take the licence, that forestry bloke might turn up).
Aim: Production of 9" firewood for sale in Horsham or Murtoa for domestic wood.
(1) Fell the tree with the swing saw after removing some or all of the coppice shoots.
(2) Sharpen the saw.
(3) Cut it into 9" blocks with the swing saw. (Sharpen saw at regular intervals).
(4) Split the rounds - some of which are 2'6" in diameter - into manageable sizes for loading, but make sure you dont do any unnecessary work.
(5) Load and deliver.

Black box with interlocked grain is very hard to split so the tool in use was an axe head welded onto a pick haft and fitted with a pick handle. (It's too tough - you can't split it with an axe!).

A memory of JD Gillespie

An area of Black box forest where old trees had been rung by Commission labour 8-10 years before. Each tree is surrounded by a number of coppice shoots 5 feet or so high. Two men with a swing saw, a truck and sundry crow bars, axes etc. (Dont forget the dogs, they might catch a rabbit. Make sure the water bag is full and dont forget the billy. Better take the licence, that forestry bloke might turn up).
Aim: Production of 9" firewood for sale in Horsham or Murtoa for domestic wood.
(1) Fell the tree with the swing saw after removing some or all of the coppice shoots.
(2) Sharpen the saw.
(3) Cut it into 9" blocks with the swing saw. (Sharpen saw at regular intervals).
(4) Split the rounds - some of which are 2'6" in diameter - into manageable sizes for loading, but make sure you dont do any unnecessary work.
(5) Load and deliver.

Black box with interlocked grain is very hard to split so the tool in use was an axe head welded onto a pick haft and fitted with a pick handle. (It's too tough - you can't split it with an axe!).

A memory of JD Gillespie

That the FCV started using computers in about 1960 to analyse timber resource data?

That the FCV started using computers in about 1960 to analyse timber resource data?

From 1919 to 1924 the number of sawmills in Victoria ranged from 206 to 246, and the Tanning industry was still significant with about 2800 employed within the industry in 1923-24, and 13066 tons of wattle bark being processed. Source: 1923-24 Year Book.

From 1919 to 1924 the number of sawmills in Victoria ranged from 206 to 246, and the Tanning industry was still significant with about 2800 employed within the industry in 1923-24, and 13066 tons of wattle bark being processed. Source: 1923-24 Year Book.

That over the period 1941-42 to 1952-53, approximately two million tons measure of firewood was produced by the FCV through the Emergency Firewood Project?

That over the period 1941-42 to 1952-53, approximately two million tons measure of firewood was produced by the FCV through the Emergency Firewood Project?

Forests Act 1918 (No. 2976.)

At the Executive Council Chamber, Melbourne, the twenty fourth day of September, 1919.
PRESENT: His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria, Mr Lawson, Mr Campbell, Mr Hutchinson
UNDER the power in that behalf conferred by the Forests Act 1018 (No. 297E) His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor of the State of Victoria, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, doth hereby appoint Wednesday, the first day of October, 1919,at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon at the Public Offices, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne, as the time and place when and where the first appointed Commissioners of the Forests Commission or the major part of them shall hold their first meeting.
And the honorable William Hutchinson, His Majesty's Minister of Forests, shall give the necessary directions herein accordingly.
FW MABBOTT, Clerk of the Executive Council.
Source: Victorian Government Gazette. No 140. September 26, 1919. Page 2204

Forests Act 1918 (No. 2976.)

At the Executive Council Chamber, Melbourne, the twenty fourth day of September, 1919.
PRESENT: His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria, Mr Lawson, Mr Campbell, Mr Hutchinson
UNDER the power in that behalf conferred by the Forests Act 1018 (No. 297E) His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor of the State of Victoria, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, doth hereby appoint Wednesday, the first day of October, 1919,at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon at the Public Offices, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne, as the time and place when and where the first appointed Commissioners of the Forests Commission or the major part of them shall hold their first meeting.
And the honorable William Hutchinson, His Majesty's Minister of Forests, shall give the necessary directions herein accordingly.
FW MABBOTT, Clerk of the Executive Council.
Source: Victorian Government Gazette. No 140. September 26, 1919. Page 2204

"As regards hardwood plantations, it was considered that these should be confined to the treeless plains of the northern districts, as the expenditure that would be necessary for plantations elsewhere could be more usefully applied in improving and protecting the extensive young forests of natural growth." Source: Handbook of Forestry in Victoria, 1928

"As regards hardwood plantations, it was considered that these should be confined to the treeless plains of the northern districts, as the expenditure that would be necessary for plantations elsewhere could be more usefully applied in improving and protecting the extensive young forests of natural growth." Source: Handbook of Forestry in Victoria, 1928

Koala Park started in 1942 - "Our Principal, EJ Semmens BSc, he conceived the idea and pushed forward this idea of about 20 acres fenced park around Slaty Creek in Creswick State Forest ... and 20 or 30, or something like that, bears were located there and we built paths and little bridges and counted bears occasionally and generally assisted in this activity ... ".  Bill Meadows in his Oral History.

Koala Park started in 1942 - "Our Principal, EJ Semmens BSc, he conceived the idea and pushed forward this idea of about 20 acres fenced park around Slaty Creek in Creswick State Forest ... and 20 or 30, or something like that, bears were located there and we built paths and little bridges and counted bears occasionally and generally assisted in this activity ... ".  Bill Meadows in his Oral History.

Mansfield Timber Industry and Roading

Source: LCC Alpine Study Area Report

Logging commenced in the Delatite River basin at Mirimbah, below Mount Buller, in 1935. In the mid-to-late 1940s, many sawmills transferred from central Victoria to the Alpine Ash forests of northeastern Victoria and Gippsland. Sawmills were built in Mansfield in 1947 and 1948 with timber drawn from forests in the King, Howqua and Jamieson River basins. The Forests Commission built the Jamieson-Licola Road in the mid-1950s to access the Alpine Ash forests (Licola to Lazarini by 1955/56) In 1977 there were five sawmills in Mansfield, and one each in Jamieson, Benalla, Wangaratta and Eurobin drawing timber from the mountain forests of the Mansfield District.

That - "Matthew Flinders, when exploring Victoria's coast (in 1800), noted great fires burning in the Highlands. In 1940 it was found that stands of Eucalyptus delegatensis, along the mountains of North Gippsland, were uniformly aged 140 years." JA McKinty 1991

That - "Matthew Flinders, when exploring Victoria's coast (in 1800), noted great fires burning in the Highlands. In 1940 it was found that stands of Eucalyptus delegatensis, along the mountains of North Gippsland, were uniformly aged 140 years." JA McKinty 1991

Mistletoe infestations in our forests were once a big deal.

Young Forester (to old hand on the gang) - "What was the first job you had with the Commission Bob?"

Bob - "Trimming mistletoe off trees during the depression."

Young Forester - "How did you do that - with a long handled saw?"

After derisive hoots of laughter came the answer. "We climbed the trees with a ladder, and with a tomahawk or axe in one hand worked our way out along the branches and cut off the mistletoe clumps. The boss wouldn't let us chop off too much branch so we had to get out as far as possible. They used to pick the lightest men for the job!"

A memory of JD Gillespie

Mistletoe infestations in our forests were once a big deal.

Young Forester (to old hand on the gang) - "What was the first job you had with the Commission Bob?"

Bob - "Trimming mistletoe off trees during the depression."

Young Forester - "How did you do that - with a long handled saw?"

After derisive hoots of laughter came the answer. "We climbed the trees with a ladder, and with a tomahawk or axe in one hand worked our way out along the branches and cut off the mistletoe clumps. The boss wouldn't let us chop off too much branch so we had to get out as far as possible. They used to pick the lightest men for the job!"

A memory of JD Gillespie

Jim Willis and Jim McKinty both have species of eucalypts named after them? - Eucalyptus willisii and Eucalyptus mackintii (Blue-crowned Stringybark).

Jim Willis and Jim McKinty both have species of eucalypts named after them? - Eucalyptus willisii and Eucalyptus mackintii (Blue-crowned Stringybark).

At one time Nowa Nowa Forest District was a very busy sawlog harvesting and sawmilling centre.

and a major site for the production of sleepers.

At one time Nowa Nowa Forest District was a very busy sawlog harvesting and sawmilling centre.

and a major site for the production of sleepers.

That the FCV commenced a breeding program with radiata pine in 1958?

That the FCV commenced a breeding program with radiata pine in 1958?

That by the time the Government corporatised management of the State's plantations, the total plantation area was about 113000ha?

That by the time the Government corporatised management of the State's plantations, the total plantation area was about 113000ha?

"A photograph in the The Age on 28/1/1954 showed three messmate poles passing through Melbourne on their way from Mt Cole to the ABC transmitting station at Lyndhurst near Dandenong, The largest of these was 112 ft long with a 31 in. under bark butt diameter and 11 in. top diameter. The price received for this pole was 9/- per lineal ft. at roadside.

Recently twenty-five 70 ft poles with a 6 in. top diameter averaged 14 in. diameter at the butt and 10 in. at the centre. From June 1950, to January 1954, seventy poles of 90 ft. or longer have been sold from Mt. Cole."

S. Calder, Beaufort. VSFA Newsletter No.2, March 1954
The Age Article

"A photograph in the The Age on 28/1/1954 showed three messmate poles passing through Melbourne on their way from Mt Cole to the ABC transmitting station at Lyndhurst near Dandenong, The largest of these was 112 ft long with a 31 in. under bark butt diameter and 11 in. top diameter. The price received for this pole was 9/- per lineal ft. at roadside.

Recently twenty-five 70 ft poles with a 6 in. top diameter averaged 14 in. diameter at the butt and 10 in. at the centre. From June 1950, to January 1954, seventy poles of 90 ft. or longer have been sold from Mt. Cole."

S. Calder, Beaufort. VSFA Newsletter No.2, March 1954
The Age Article

That as early as 1930 the FCV worked with the RAAF to conduct fire detection flights with Westland Wapiti aircraft?

That as early as 1930 the FCV worked with the RAAF to conduct fire detection flights with Westland Wapiti aircraft?

In the last Annual Report prepared by the FCV, 1983/84, the FCV had a road and track network extending over more than 40000 km.

Native Forests (km)

  • Primary Roads - 2910
  • Secondary Roads - 10186
  • Fire Prot & Access Tks - 21342

Plantations (km)

  • Primary Roads - 680
  • Secondary Roads - 2877
  • Fire Prot & Access Tks - 2670

In the last Annual Report prepared by the FCV, 1983/84, the FCV had a road and track network extending over more than 40000 km.

Native Forests (km)

  • Primary Roads - 2910
  • Secondary Roads - 10186
  • Fire Prot & Access Tks - 21342

Plantations (km)

  • Primary Roads - 680
  • Secondary Roads - 2877
  • Fire Prot & Access Tks - 2670

"John Griffith was a Tasmanian merchant who specialised in whaling and sealing. His ship 'Elizabeth' was the first to harvest wattle bark from the local trees in 1834. During the 1840s, after the collapse of the wattle bark industry, the port grew due to the local timber and farming industries."

Source: Taken from a display in San Remo photographed in May 2022.

"John Griffith was a Tasmanian merchant who specialised in whaling and sealing. His ship 'Elizabeth' was the first to harvest wattle bark from the local trees in 1834. During the 1840s, after the collapse of the wattle bark industry, the port grew due to the local timber and farming industries."

Source: Taken from a display in San Remo photographed in May 2022.

The FCV was an early adopter of the possibilities offered by satellite imagery.

"In mid-1972 and again in 1973, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration will fly experimental spacecraft instrumented to study earth resources from space. These spacecraft will be called Earth Resources Technology Satellites (ERTS) A and B."

"The scale of ERTS imagery (approximately 1:1,000,000) will limit resolution to approximately 700 feet. However, as yet the interpretation of this imagery is an unknown art. It is conceivable that subtle features that are lost on a mosaic of ordinary air photos will be noticeable on 100m x 100m photos taken under conditions of uniform lighting. The immediate problem will be to learn how to make use of this imagery. To this end, the Forests Commission will undertake studies relating to forestry.
See: Small Format Aerial Photography, R Spencer, VSFA Newsletter 30 (May 1972) p29.

The FCV was an early adopter of the possibilities offered by satellite imagery.

"In mid-1972 and again in 1973, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration will fly experimental spacecraft instrumented to study earth resources from space. These spacecraft will be called Earth Resources Technology Satellites (ERTS) A and B."

"The scale of ERTS imagery (approximately 1:1,000,000) will limit resolution to approximately 700 feet. However, as yet the interpretation of this imagery is an unknown art. It is conceivable that subtle features that are lost on a mosaic of ordinary air photos will be noticeable on 100m x 100m photos taken under conditions of uniform lighting. The immediate problem will be to learn how to make use of this imagery. To this end, the Forests Commission will undertake studies relating to forestry.
See: Small Format Aerial Photography, R Spencer, VSFA Newsletter 30 (May 1972) p29.

"A forward step was the establishment in 1926 of a Silvicultural Branch to conduct investigations into the methods of treatment and growth of both local and introduced species." Source: Handbook of Forestry in Victoria, 1928

"A forward step was the establishment in 1926 of a Silvicultural Branch to conduct investigations into the methods of treatment and growth of both local and introduced species." Source: Handbook of Forestry in Victoria, 1928

The FCV started using small format photography in forest management in the early 1970s.

"Aerial photography is often required to record local changes in the years between major surveys or to provide additional detail in selected areas. Such information may include details of species and growth, or changes such as new roads, tracks, firebreaks, boundaries of clearfellings, replantings, burns, insect and disease attack and so on."

"For these purposes, simple, cheap and rapid methods of obtaining supplementary photographs using 70mm and 35mm cameras have been developed."
See: Small Format Aerial Photography, R Spencer, VSFA Newsletter 30 (May 1972) p43.

The FCV started using small format photography in forest management in the early 1970s.

"Aerial photography is often required to record local changes in the years between major surveys or to provide additional detail in selected areas. Such information may include details of species and growth, or changes such as new roads, tracks, firebreaks, boundaries of clearfellings, replantings, burns, insect and disease attack and so on."

"For these purposes, simple, cheap and rapid methods of obtaining supplementary photographs using 70mm and 35mm cameras have been developed."
See: Small Format Aerial Photography, R Spencer, VSFA Newsletter 30 (May 1972) p43.

That, from 1928, two Norwegian foresters (Kristian Drangsholt and Bjarne Dahl) were critical in getting rigourous timber resource assessments into place?

That, from 1928, two Norwegian foresters (Kristian Drangsholt and Bjarne Dahl) were critical in getting rigourous timber resource assessments into place?

"Here it may be permitted to express keen gratification and pride that the first Victoria Cross gained by an Australian soldier was won by Albert Jacka, an employee of the Department." Source: SFD, Annual Report, 1914/15

"Here it may be permitted to express keen gratification and pride that the first Victoria Cross gained by an Australian soldier was won by Albert Jacka, an employee of the Department." Source: SFD, Annual Report, 1914/15