Research Branch Report No. 196

Estimating weight of woody eucalypt debris following clearing for pine establishment.  H. T. L. Stewart and M. Woodman.  April 1982.  4 pp.  (unpubl.)


Two methods were evaluated for estimating weights of woody eucalypt debris larger than 30 mm diameter following clearing for establishment of Pinus radiata D. Don (radiata pine) in North-eastern Victoria.

Estimates obtained from line intersect sampling, in which all debris intersecting 14 lines, each 30 m long, was tallied, were compared with estimates obtained from collecting and measuring weights of all debris on fourteen 2.25 m2 plots that were matched with the line intersect sampling points.

Both methods produced a similar mean estimate of debris weight, but the coefficient of variation for line intersect sampling was only 36% compared with 146% for plot sampling, and the total field and laboratory time for line intersect sampling was around half that required for plot sampling. It is concluded that line intersect sampling is the most efficient method for estimating the weight of woody eucalypt debris larger than 30 mm in diameter.

Also published:

Stewart, H.T.L. and Woodman, M. (1982)  Estimating the weight of woody eucalypt debris following clearing for pine establishment.  For. Tech. Pap. 29: 37-40.