Research Branch Report No. 303

Biological aspects, breeding, liberation and evaluation of natural enemies of the sirex woodwasp in Victoria.  J. L. Morey.  December 1985.  24 pp. (unpubl.)


The demand for biological agents for control of Sirex noctilio, an economically important introduced pest of Pinus radiata D. Don. in south-eastern Australia, has increased in recent years due to the spread of the insect from Victoria into South Australia, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Six insect parasitoids and a parasitic nematode are at present being bred at the Mountain Forest Research Station, Sherbrooke, for subsequent release in unthinned plantations of intermediate age where the pest has potential to build up large damaging populations.

To meet these increased requirements, adequate numbers of biological control agents are being produced and liberated, and their effectiveness monitored. This report describes the biology of these agents and the techniques used in Victoria for their breeding, release and evaluation.