Research Branch Report No. 243

Thinning of natural regeneration in second-rotation radiata pine plantations using a motorised brushcutter and a hand slasher.  G. Minko.  March 1984.  7 pp. (unpubl.)


A brushcutter (KAAZ, Model KQ50, 50 cc, 1.6 kw) and a hand slasher were evaluated for thinning one to six-year-old natural regeneration of Pinus radiata D. Don at Myrtleford, North-eastern Victoria.

On slopes from 15° to 26° the overall productivity of the brushcutter was almost twice that of the hand slasher and resulted in a saving of $105 ha-1 (1982 costs).

To reduce fatigue of the brushcutter operator to an acceptable level, alternate use of brushcutter and hand slasher is recommended at 1.5 hr thinning intervals, where base diameter of stems is greater than 4 cm.

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