Research Branch Report No. 242

Boron deficiency in Pinus radiata and the effect of applied boron on height growth and nutrient uptake.  P. Hopmans and D. W. Flinn.  March 1984.  6 pp. (unpubl.)


Severe dieback observed in Pinus radiata D. Don (radiata pine) plantations in south-eastern Australia during dry years was found to be due to boron deficiency. Granulated borax applied to the soil in spring (August 1982) at rates of 50, 100 and 150 kg ha-1 resulted in a marked increase in foliar B (boron) and an alleviation of B-deficiency symptoms. During the dry summer following the application of borax, no further dieback was observed and height growth of fertilised trees improved significantly. Correction of B-deficiency enhanced the uptake of P (phosphorus) by the trees.

Also published:

Hopmans, P. and Flinn, D.W. (1984)  Boron deficiency in Pinus radiata D. Don and the effect of applied boron on height growth and nutrient uptake.  Plant and Soil 79: 295-8.