Research Branch Report No. 215

Insecticides in Victorian forestry.  F. G. Neumann.  February 1983.  17 pp. (unpubl.)


Nine insecticide sprays or powders, and two types of fumigants, are currently approved by the Forests Commission Victoria for use in forest nurseries and forests. In special circumstances, additional insecticides may be authorised for research or operational purposes. All of the prescribed insecticides are registered under the Agricultural Chemicals Act (1958), and are classified under the Poisons Act (1962) as 'Industrial and Agricultural Poisons', except methyl bromide, which is a 'Special Poison'. The most extensive application of insecticide has been for control of the primary stick-insect defoliator, Didymuria violescens (Leach) (Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae), in ash-type eucalypt forests, by aerial spraying with maldison. Other applications have been in seed-coating for the protection of direct-sown eucalypt seeds on ash-beds in regeneration coupes, and for control of pests in soils and on seedlings in forest nurseries. The consumption of insecticides has been low compared with that of herbicides.

The channels of control for product assessment, classification, clearance, registration and surveillance of the insecticides being used in Victorian forestry are extensive and thorough, and involve Commonwealth and State Government statutory committees of pesticides specialists, as well as senior Forests Commission officers. Essential legislation concerning the broad-scale use of insecticides for forestry purposes is contained in the Agricultural Chemicals Act (1958), the Health Act (1958), the Poisons Act (1962), the Aerial Spraying Control Act (1966) and the Fisheries Act (1968) and in association regulations. Forests Commission staff have incurred very few accidents with insecticides; and no permanent adverse side-effects, as a result of the Commission's aerial spraying program for control of phasmatids, have been demonstrated.

Also published:

Neumann, F.G. (1982)  Insecticides in Victorian forestry.  Pap. 5th Meet. Res. Work. Group 8, For. Entomol., Coffs Harbour, N.S.W., Nov. 1982, 17 pp.

And as Neumann, F.G. (1985)  Insecticides in Victorian forest management. Dep. Conserv., For. and Lands, State For. and Lands Serv., For. Tech. Pap. 30: 1-10.